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21 February, 2025

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STReight 4x4, standard cards alternative

A game board (table), coloured chips sets used by players for placing the bets, and a classic card set having 16 cards using 4 symbols - 4 cards for each symbol, correspondingly jacks, queens, kings and aces, constitutes the gambling game.

The game board is equally divided in two, having a bets area on card suits (left side) and on card values (right side).

STReight 4x4. A simple alternative.

A game board (table), coloured chips sets used by players for placing the bets, and a 16 card set having 4 symbols (4 cards for each symbol), constitutes the gambling game.

The game board has the following betting areas:


  • area for a certain symbol in any valid sequence, excluding "ALL" symbol sequences, as row 1, divided into 4 sectors, each labelled with one of the symbols;
  • area for certain sequence of any symbol, as column 2, divided into 3 sectors numbered 2 for pairs, 3 for three in a row and 4 for four of a kind;
  • area for sequences made by certain symbols 3, which is divided into 12 sectors aligned in 3 rows and 4 columns;
  • area for "ALL" sequences 4, labelled "ALL".

STReight - Casino game

The Basics

Players, usually up to eight, play against the house represented by the croupier or dealer, who deals the cards and handles the wagers and payouts. There are two variants of the game. In the simple variant, the game uses special cards, which have four colours or symbols. In the classic cards variant, the game has a double board and the players are able to place their bets on the cards suites, and on their values as well.

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