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21 February, 2025

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Lotto STReight by SMS

The Basics

Lotto STReight™ by SMS can be played from a mobile phone at any time and is similar to the slots game. It uses a sequence of between 3 and 8 symbols, numbers, or letters in accordance with the type of SMS lotto game.

The player sends to a short number a text SMS that contains a sequence of numbers or letters. After the message is received, the game server executes the draw, compares it with the sequence of numbers that has been sent, and sends the result back to the player in an SMS text.

Game description

In the case of Lotto STReight™ 5 by SMS the player chooses in order any 5 numbers between 1 and 5. The player will win if he/she guesses sequences from the drawn combination. A sequence of five numbers identical with the draw wins the Jackpot. A sequence of four numbers found anywhere in the draw wins the second prize. Smaller sequences, of three or two numbers win smaller prizes.

The game can be played as a true lottery game with a weekly draw only.

The payouts

Following the draw, the players will win only if, in their chosen combination, there are sequences of numbers from the drawn sequence, could been awarded sequences from 2 to 5 (see tables below). Each different sequence will be awarded separately. There is also possible a prize resulting from cumulative amounts; in this case the prize is divided in equal shares if there are more than one winner.

Object of the game

To win at STReight™ the player needs to predict sequences from the drawn combination.

Examples - Lotto STReight™ 5 by SMS (slots variant)

A player sends an SMS with the sequence: 3-2-1-4-2. The game server draws 4-2-3-2-2. Because there are sequences of two consecutive numbers 4-2 and 3-2 in the drawn sequence, the player will win 1, twice. That is, twice the amount bet.

A player sends an SMS with the sequence: 5-5-1-4-2. The game server draws 4-2-5-5-1. The player will win 5 for three successive numbers 5-5-1, and 1 for the number sequence 4-2, winning in total 6 times the amount bet.

A player sends an SMS with the sequence 5-3-1-3-2. The game server draws 5-3-1-3-2. The player will win the Jackpot, which means 500 times the amount bet.

Lotto STReight™ 5 by SMS (weekly lotto variant)

The game is played from a mobile phone at any time, and is similar to the slots game with five numbers.

The player sends to a short number an SMS text that contains a sequence of five numbers between 1 and 5. After receiving the message, the game server authenticates through an SMS the registration of the sender's combination.

The draw is made once a week and the winners will be notified.

A player wins if he guesses sequences within the drawn sequence. A sequence of five numbers identical to the sequence drawn wins the Jackpot. A sequence of four numbers found anywhere in the draw wins the second prize. Shorter sequences, of three or two numbers win smaller prizes.


Player A sends an SMS with the sequence 3-2-1-5-5, player B sends 4-5-3-1-2, and player C sends 5-5-3-2-1.

The sequence 5-5-3-2-1 is drawn at the weekly draw.

Player A will win 1 for two successive numbers sequence of 5-5 and 5 for three successive numbers sequence of 3-2-1, winning in total 6 times the amount played.

Player B will win 1 for the pair of 5-3, which means the amount played, and player C wins the Jackpot, which means 500 times the amount played.

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