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21 February, 2025

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STReight 4x4, standard cards alternative

A game board (table), coloured chips sets used by players for placing the bets, and a classic card set having 16 cards using 4 symbols - 4 cards for each symbol, correspondingly jacks, queens, kings and aces, constitutes the gambling game.

The game board is equally divided in two, having a bets area on card suits (left side) and on card values (right side).


The bet zones for card suits are:

  • area for a certain suit in any valid sequence, excluding sequences that contain all suits, as row 1, divided into 4 sectors, each one marked with one of the card suits;
  • area for a certain sequence of any suit, as column 2, divided into three sectors numbered 2 for pairs, 3 for three in a row and 4 for four of a kind;
  • area for sequences composed by certain suits 3, which is divided into 12 sectors arranged in 3 rows and 4 columns;
  • area for sequences that contains all suits 4, labelled "ALL SUITS" or "ALL COLOURS".

The bet zones for card values are:

  • area for a certain value in any sequence, as row 1’, divided into 4 sectors, each one having marked one of the card values;
  • area for a certain sequence any value, as column 2’, divided into 3 sectors numbered 2 for pairs, 3 for three in a row and 4 for four of a kind;
  • area for sequences composed by certain values 3’, divided into 12 sectors arranged in 3 rows and 4 columns;
  • area for sequences that contain all values 4’, labelled "ALL VALUES".

For a better combination, the card set could be doubled but it is compulsory that the number of the same cards is higher than the total number of values on the cards, and the number of the drawn cards must be equal to the number of values utilised. Using standard cards, each draw determines the generation of mixed sequences. Players have the possibility of winning both with suits and with values.

Standard cards

Example. Croupier draws a mixed combination having the following sequence: Q-spades, Q-hearts, A-hearts, K-hearts, meaning a pair of Queens and three hearts in a row.

One player has bet 3 chips a, as follows: one chip on a certain suit in any valid sequence 1, for example Hearts, and one chip on sequences composed of certain values 3’, for example on pairs of Queens. The chip placed on pairs of Hearts loses. The player gets back the winning chips, two of them, the one placed on three Hearts and the one placed on pairs of Queens.

For the chip placed on Hearts (colour bet), the player receives 4 chips of the same value, and the chip placed on pairs of Queens (two colours) receives 7 chips of the same value.

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